©MINUAGE 2014-2024

A Trailer – Paintings of Black Bridge


CAT. Festival Identity
CL. More Art Gallery
CD. Chang Shi

BM. Qun Cao

Black Bridge is a village located in the middle of the circular railway in the northeastern corner of Beijing. In the 1990s, young artists from all over the country gathered here to live and create. In 2018, like many other art districts in Beijing, Black Bridge art district faced the same destiny: demolition, clearance, and re-planning. In 2023, More Art Gallery collected, organized the artists and works from the "Black Bridge Period" and presented a portion of them in an inaugural exhibition titled "A Trailer – the Paintings of Black Bridge". Looking back from today, the shabby, dilapidated, and landfill-like Black Bridge provided a temporary, affordable, and secure place for artists drifting in Beijing. This place gave birth to countless glaring and imaginative artworks, they are the blooming flowers in the dark.

黑桥是一个村,打开北京地图,它就在东北角环形铁路的中间。1990年代,来自全国的青年艺术家曾经聚集在这里生活和创作。2018年黑桥艺术区和其他很多北京的艺术区的命运一样:被拆除、被清理、被重新规划。2023More Art Gallery系统地收集、梳理和研究「黑桥时期」的艺术家与作品,并将其中的一部分呈现出来以「黑桥的绘画——非正片」命名首次展览。站在今天回望,当时简陋、破旧、像垃圾场一样的黑桥为漂泊在北京的艺术家提供了临时、自由与安心的居所。这里诞生了无数天马行空、如梦如幻的艺术作品,一如黑暗中盛开的花朵。