©MINUAGE 2014-2024



CAT. Brand Identity
CL. Infrablack
CD. Chang Shi

Infrablack was established in 2016 by Ares Liu and his distinguished team, with a vision to create an innovative and refined sports experience space. During the brand’s recent evolution, Minuage and Infrablack embarked on a profound exploration of brand identity, collaborating closely to redefine its essence. Drawing inspiration from the concept of “black”, Minuage provided comprehensive services, including brand naming and visual identity design. The name Infrablack merges the Latin prefix “infra” with the English word “black,” symbolizing a hue more absolute than black itself. It also alludes to L’infra-Noir, the English translation of the 19th-century work by Romanian surrealist group founder and literary figure Gellu Naum.

Infrablack成立于2016年,由创始人Ares Liu及其精英团队创办,致力于打造全新运动体验场所。在本次品牌升级的过程中MinuageInfrablack对品牌形象的构建进行深度的探索与合作,由“黑色”作为创意的起点,Minuage提供了品牌命名与视觉识别设计等相关服务。Infrablack组合了拉丁词前缀infra与黑色的英文black,意为比黑色更加极致的颜色,同时也是活跃于19世纪的的罗马尼亚超现实主义团体创始人、文学家Gellu Naum的作品《L’infra-Noir》的英译名称。